Day 9 of Blogmas: Dream Product Wish List

One step closer to Christmas, man these says are going fast >.< So, welcome to blogmas day 9!

Everyone has a wish list they know the can’t afford at the moment, but we dream and that can be fun. So today I thought I would bring to you my wish list.


I honestly Just love the colours so much ❤ I have only ever used his liquid lip sticks. I have yet to have the chance to try a palette.


Such an expensive palette but its beautiful and it feels amazing (I may swatch it every time I got to Sephora)



Literally feels like satin and glows like amazingness lol, their products are simple but they always work. I have never had a problem with what I’ve used so far. I’d love more of their products other then mascara


#10, 11

#12, 13


Finally a simple staple to add to my daily, I honestly want to try their whole line of everything

I know this post is simple, but everyone has a wish list right? Well I want to know in the new year are there any of these products you’d like to see me review? Let me know! Is there something not on the list from these brands you want to see? Again let me know 🙂

NOW, on to the next part, it wouldn’t be blogmas without it. Time for DavidsTea 24 days of tea! The tea today is Pomegrateful a tart and luscious superfruit. A white tea low in caffeine and smells sooooo good. Taste amazing and of course like pomegranate. Within this tea, apple, pineapple, hibiscus blossom, white tea, pomegranate seeds and blossoms, rose petals, stevia extract and natural flavours.

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