Day 10 of Blogmas: Challenges So Far

I tell you, I never thought I would make it this far. I tend to get discouraged easily and doubt my abilities, even if they’re not the best. I want to enjoy this experience, complete something new and find a new hobby that I can stick with.

It has been challenging to fight the frame of mind that my posts need to be long to be intriguing. That if my stats are low then no one finds my post interesting. As well, to find that it’s not about the numbers but, the feeling I get from completing these posts. Honestly, sometimes I sit staring at the computer screen wondering if I should just delete my posts or my blog all together. I am not good at grammar (never have been how I graduated university, no idea lol), not good at spelling and I am definitely not the most organized.

This whole thing is a literal challenge and I think it was a great idea for me to do Blogmas. To help prove to myself that I can indeed do this and keep a blog. That I finally have a hobby I can stay in love with and not destroy myself with. To stop doubting myself just because it’s not golden and shining. If it makes me happy I should stick with it, a small step in loving myself.

I do dream and aim to get to a point where I can collaborate with brands and other people. Gain a better ability in getting products to review. That together with my blog and influenster that maybe I can get some free samples to help with content.

To the one’s who have stuck with me I want to thank you. It means the world that you even took the time to glance at my posts ❤

Now the best part! DavidsTea 24 days of tea advent calendar! Today’s tea is Candy Cane Crush a low caffeine minty holiday classic. In this tea is black tea white chocolate, peppermint candy, snowflake candies, cane sugar, peppermint, natural peppermint, and vanilla, contains milk and soy. ***Side not*** There are other ingredients, these are the main ones, if you are looking out for specific ingredients always look over and read labels yourself. I do this because each day I would be here forever writing the things in some teas (not that there’s anything awful but just in depth stuff) ***side note done*** Now this is one of my favourite classic favorites and before Christmas is done getting some!

XX Cassandra, thank you ❤

  • Instagram: chaoticaandbeautiful
  • Cats Insta: ablackcatnamedhades
  • Twitter: ChaoticBeautyC
  • Influenster: andielves

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